Jinya is alive, even though there are no new features

We haven't written a post in the past three months. But that doesn't mean Jinya is dead. In fact Jinya is very alive, currently one of our main projects is to add a proper UI to Jinya Fonts. By adding a proper UI to Jinya Fonts, it can be built up as a full replacement for Google Fonts.

Apart from that, the Jinya CMS gets regular dependency updates and we will continue keeping it up to date. Currently there are no feature requests and only a few minor features missing. Since we want Jinya CMS to be slim, fast and secure, we won't add features which are not requested to reduce code size and attack surface.

Plans for the future

So you might be wondering what the future plans are.

For the Jinya CMS we mainly focus on work under the hood. Apart from the dark/light mode switch we plan a theme upload at some point. Another planned step is to switch Jinya CMS from its combination of PDO and Laminas Hydrator to the PDOx project of Jinya. PDOx is a small wrapper around PDO and Laminas Hydrator which can be used to easily work with objects in PHP database contexts. The name is inspired by the awesome sqlx library for Golang.

Jinya Fonts will soon get a proper web UI, which also includes a download button for the WOFF2 files. We are also considering adding a download button for the other file types, namely TTF and WOFF, which works as a proxy to Google Fonts, so you stay anonymous. Another planned feature is an administration UI for Jinya Fonts, which will allow custom font upload and editing of the sync config file.

Jinya Backup is considered feature complete as of now, and won't receive big updates. We will keep it up to date with its dependencies though.

The forked Plates template engine is also considered feature complete as of now. Since it has no dependencies, it will reside and live in Jinya CMS.

Cosmo CSS will receive native styling of file uploads. It is also planned to add circular buttons and add more options for the bottom bar. We are also considering making Cosmo CSS responsive, which will be a huge project since the base design of Cosmo CSS is very desktop orientated.

The biggest plan for the future are two Jinya CMS apps. Yes you read that right, two. We intend to provide a mobile app and a native desktop app. The advantage of the desktop app compared to the web designer is, that you can connect multiple Jinya sites in one UI which makes it easier to administer multiple sites. The mobile app will be the first version of the Jinya designer usable on mobile devices, since Cosmo is not responsive as of now.

That is all we wanted to let you know.